
Gift Card (print at home)

Buy a Gift Card voucher for METERMETER which can be used to shop both in our online shop and in our store in Denmark.

When you buy a Gift Card you will receive an email with the Gift Card and a voucher code, which you can print or send directly to the recipient. Please allow up to 24 hours before you receive the email with the Gift Card. 

The Gift Card is valid 1 year from the day of purchase.

You can buy a Gift Card with any value you wish.

All you have to do is to add the amount in the quantity field below, and add to cart.
If you want to buy a Gift Card for 50 euro, you write '50' in the field below and click the Add to cart button (what really happens is that you buy 50 of this product which equals 1 euro). 

Then you go to the cart and proceed to check out, payment etc, and within 24 hours we will send you the Gift Card via email. 

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